Sunday, October 13, 2013

Turkey Avocado Panini with Roasted Cherry Tomato Relish

I have to admit that for the longest time (aka my entire childhood) I did not like (aka refused to eat) sandwiches with cold cuts. I actually don't enjoy lunch - I don't appreciate it as a meal and thought I recognize it's physiological importance, I find it unnecessary and bland. That is until I discovered paninis. They changed my world and made lunch that much more complicated.

I have also for the longest time (aka my entire childhood and most of my adulthood) hated tomatoes. But, recently I've been on a quest to make myself enjoy them. I now love tomato with fresh mozzarella and basil or pesto. And then my good friend from college taught me that if you cook the life out of cherry tomatoes, they're rather enjoyable.

General rule of thumb: avocado makes everything better.

Two slices of bread
Handful of cherry tomatoes, sliced in half
A slice of swiss cheese
1/2 avocado
3-4 slices of turkey


  1. Heat olive oil and roast cherry tomatoes for 15-20 minutes over medium low heat in a frying pan. Make sure they don't burn, but rather give up totally and shrivel
  2. Pull tomatoes out of oil and clean pan. Butter one side of each slice of bread. Layer with all of the ingredients and toast until the cheese gets deliciously melty.
Now that's a sandwich.

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