Friday, February 14, 2014

Best Buy: Doughnut Pan

It's Valentine's Day. I thought I ought to recognize that. I don't know about you, but historically it's been disappointing at best and offensive at worst (case and point: when an ex got me a ShakeWeight because he thought it was "funny." It came in a plastic Walmart bag and he opened it so I couldn't even return it for store credit.)

Anyways, this year I bought myself a gift (for less than $10, because I'm a little bit cheap) - I bought a doughnut pan. Because everyone needs a doughnut pan and the ability to have a fresh baked doughnut in under an hour. Though upon unwrapping my dad did say, "Can you bake a doughnut? I thought they had to be fried..."

I bought this one from Sur La Table on sale (Happy Valentine's Day to me!) and it came on Wednesday, faster than their 7-10 day shipping promise. I tried it out before work on Thursday and could not have been happier with the results, recipe and photos to come. I'm even happier to report that I've changed my dad's opinion on doughnuts, the official conclusion being that you can in fact bake delicious doughnuts. The pan was easy to fill with a makeshift piping bag made out of a 1 quart freezer Ziploc bag. Flip the pan over a wire rack, and the donuts fell out easily - and thanks to the fantastic nonstick coating, it was super easy to clean. (Note: the pan says its dishwasher-safe, but I'm not willing to test that.)

That said, I do have a couple Valentine's Day surprises up my sleeve - more to report likely after the weekend, including what I'm sending in a box to a friend (thought it will be arriving late, as standard, because I haven't put it in the mail yet, and a treat involving bacon!)

Happy Valentine's Day to all!

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