Friday, September 5, 2014

Love & Links - September 5

I browse the web. I find links I love. I send them to everyone I know with multiple ideas, usually in all caps. I can't wait to get home and start them. But, I have a serious problem with follow through. Here's a collection of links that got me unreasonably excited this week. 

Whoa, August come back. Where did the time go? Eh, that's ok - I have a new hat and I'm ready for fall. I'm dreaming of fall and I've already enjoyed my first pumpkin spice coffee and hot caramel apple ciders of the season. I'm so ready for all the pumpkin and the squash. For new adventures.

I spent last weekend (Labor Day weekend) on Long Island visiting my roommate from college and her older brother with a large group of our friends and it was fantastic. Now for a complete turnaround, I've unpacked the bikini and packed a winter hat and gloves as I head off to New Hampshire.

I think I need to make one of these pencil holders for my desk.

Anything for another strata recipe, especially one that sounds so warm and yummy. Can you say BRUNCH?

Literally in love with these lobster bisque pot pies. Must have lobster.

This might be my new snickerdoodle recipe. And wait, but ok I need to make these brown sugar cinnamon pop tarts.

I cannot wait to flip through all of these football recipes. Last night was the first game, and I am ready for some tailgating food.

Any reason for another granola recipe. And, since I'm being impeccably healthy (not) these banana muffins.

This sounds so yummy - smoked chicken and chorizo panzanella.

And all the pastries, oh my goodness.

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