Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sunday Thoughts

I sat down to write yesterday after a month-plus long hiatus. And, instead, I ended up watching several episodes of The Slap on Hulu (it's completely intriguing [Correction: in between starting and finishing this post I finished the series. Oh my goodness. So good.) and not doing much else. I think the only thing consistent about this blog is the fact that I often disappear without warning shortly after I promise to write consistently.

Sometimes it's because I truly forget. Sometimes the world gets crazy - good or bad - and I can't bring myself to write. Sometimes its because I'm not sure if anyone even reads this. But most often it's because life is hectic, and busy and oft changing. And as I try to keep the ground from spinning out from underneath me, trying to keep centered and on course, things get left behind.

Life lately has been crazy good. With lots of new adventures in new places. It hasn't left much time for writing. Between work and vacation and maybe a new special friend, my life is wonderfully full and my cup - indeed - runs over.

Here's what you can expect to see over the next couple of weeks -- recaps from my fabulous trip to Santa Fe. Short, brief restaurant reviews of places I've tried recently and recipes that I cooked while I still lived at home because I haven't figured out how to get decent lighting in my new place. That is if I ever actually get motivated to write anything.

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