Monday, August 11, 2014

Basil Mint Ice Cream

As I've mentioned before (I think?) I've been really into making my own ice cream. I've made hokey pokey and bourbon butter pecan so far this year. And this time, I decided to go a little rogue and make mint basil ice cream to go with my fresh strawberry meringue cake. It is so good!

There's still a little bit left in my freezer, which is hard to believe because I made it about a month ago. The mint is definitely stronger than the basil is, but I think both flavors are pretty subtle in this version, which I actually quite like. It makes the ice cream a really nice complement to most things - almost like a palate cleanser. Let's just say that recently I slathered some on top of a frozen brownie for a pretty epic ice cream sandwich, which I promptly ate before I could take any pictures. Good thing you don't need a recipe for ice cream sandwiches.

I hated using the food dye. Next time, I think I will heat the herbs in the cream to capture some of the natural coloring. I just felt like I had to add just a touch of color because it looked odd not being just the slightest bit of green. The powdered milk helps rid the ice cream of any ice crystals from water that might form and make it sooooooo creamy and delicious.

2 c. heavy cream
1 c. whole milk
3/4 c. sugar
1 Tbsp+ vanilla
1 handful fresh basil
1 handful fresh mint
2 drops green food dye
2 Tbsp. powdered milk

  1. Prepare an ice bath. Boil water and blanch the basil and mint for a 1-2 seconds. Quickly transfer to the ice bath.
  2. Mix heavy cream, whole milk, vanilla, blanched herbs, food dye and powdered milk. Refrigerate for 1 hour.
  3. Mix in ice cream maker according to maker's directions. (Mine ran for 45 minutes and then I put in the freezer to make it harder.

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