Saturday, May 3, 2014

Remember that one time..

Remember that one time I said I was going to try to be consistent about things? And then how I was radio silent for a month? Like not even a peep?

Even my Instagram has been uncharacteristically quiet. It's not that I haven't thought about posting. I think I only had like 5 Instagram posts in all of April. Five. That's way less than my normal.

It's not that I haven't even had anything to post about. In the past month I've gone to happy hour, hosted a pizza game night, gone to a Mad Men themed party, gone to Rutger's Ag Field Day and a Ukranian Easter Egg Ceremony. Oh, and our rescue dog tried to play tug of war with my ponytail bun.

I just haven't. Maybe it's because work has been crazy busy. Like Crazy. Maybe it's because I severely lack on follow through. Maybe its because I'm flaky, but in a wonderful way - like a good biscuit, or a croissant.

But, I will share one thing with you before I sign off - as I sit here typing in my backyard, chatting with my dad on perhaps the world's most gorgeous Saturday morning waiting for Boyfriend to get here so we can go thrifting - I have an irrational fear of bees.

A lot of people claim to be afraid of bees. But, trust me no one is afraid like I am. I mean, I'm a generally fearful person. I have a healthy fear of nature (thought I love it) and an unhealthy fear of bees. Most people have a fight or flight response. I freeze in an absolute panic and have to force myself to move. This, I've always known, but reinforced last fall at a haunted hay ride/corn maze.

The bees chased me away from the picnic table on our deck. My dad watched and laughed. And this is my perfect Saturday. Also, we're discussing purchasing wetsuits. And I promise to post more recipes soon. Maybe.

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