Tuesday, May 6, 2014

That 3 PM Wall

So today I started working at 1:45 AM. and I stopped working at 8:30 PM (save a few short breaks). On these rare and oh so pleasant days that 3 PM Wall I hit seems that much harder.

Every day around 3 PM I get a little sleepy and work seems that much more difficult. But, today called for one thing and one thing only (ok it's actually three things). Iced coffee in a Flash cup and delicious strawberry bread my mom bought from the Amish in Florida.

This bread.. I will be replicating. This is one of the very few times when my mom was wrong about something. She said that it wasn't life changing and I oh so very much disagree. Life changing - maybe it's because I'm sort of morally opposed to strawberries in bread. Blueberries and blackberries are ok in bread, but strawberries freak me out a little bit (even though I've definitely made strawberry muffins). Even though I love fresh strawberries.

I should have learned my lesson by now. Especially since I shared a delicious strawberry muffin with my dad in New Zealand in March 2013 at one of the places we stayed. but for whatever reason, this bread sold me.

I promise to post a recipe soon. maybe. I really shouldn't be making promises I might not be able to keep.

Also, does anyone know a good iced coffee recipe? I'm on the hunt.

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