Monday, July 7, 2014

Just a Touch of Vertigo

Any Arrested Development fans out there? I've come down with just a touch of vertigo. 

I do not own the above GIF or its content.

Wait. No, really. My mom and I simultaneously contracted a virus that has manifested itself in the nervous system as vertigo. Or that's what the doctor told us. It's... unpleasant. I haven't eaten a real meal since last Tuesday. I wanted to bake the cool flag cake from Food52 for a July 4th party, but instead spent almost the entire last week in bed. With a horrible stomachache and fatigue you wouldn't believe.

It's the vertigo. I've watched every episode of TV. I watched so many shows on Netflix that it stopped auto-playing. Even Netflix was telling me I'd had enough. I'm now a connoisseur of chicken broth and noodle soups. I haven't had anything that wasn't beige or red dye #40 in the longest time. I'm dreaming of it.

Between the fatigue and the nausea I somehow I missed the pick-up of our first CSA basket, and am currently missing the cooking and consuming of those ingredients. We did however get two pints of fresh New Jersey blueberries. I see pies and blueberry muffins and galettes in our future. The very near future. I'm hoping to perfect my pie crust technique this summer. I'm also doing allllll of the fruit shortcakes. I have two recipes that I've been hoping to share with you - one from my super cool old cookbook that was published in 1915 and one from my head. Both for strawberries. But, that old cookbook suggested a peach shortcake - which got me wondering, what else can you shortcake?

As always, I have plans that are way bigger than actually feasible. But, we'll see. Last year we got some sour cherries and I made my first ever galette. I'm hoping we'll get some more this year because I've discovered that I quite like cherries. I'm planning to document the CSA as best I can this year. Maybe I'll make some charts. I love a good Excel grid.

Also Boyfriend brought me the most gorgeous flowers today - yellow lilies (a sure favorite) and plum and violet orchids. I cannot get over them.

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